9780781438681 / 0781438683

Bible Knowledge Background Commentary: Matthew-Luke (Bible Knowledge Series)


4.00 gemiddelde beoordeling8 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:David C Cook, 2003



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Boek samenvatting:

A biblical examination of the historical, geographical, cultural, and economic background of the New Testament for a 21st century understanding of the first century world.

This is not theology, nor is it a word study; rather it's opening a window to transport the reader back into the setting of the New Testament to see, touch, and hear as much of the world of that time as possible. Behind every scene in the Bible is a wealth of information that sheds light on the truths that are told. As the maxim goes, "Any text apart from its context is a misunderstood text." Background information is a key component to correct interpretation, and thus correct application.

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