9780521770125 / 0521770122

A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, Series Number 109)


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Uitgever:Cambridge University Press, 2000



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Boek samenvatting:

Facsimiles, photographic reproductions, collations, and studies of the textual character of many of the 5,000 or so manuscripts of the Greek New Testament have been published, but it is only with this book that a much-needed bibliography of them has been made available. This considerably expanded and revised edition of J. K. Elliott's 1989 A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts marks a substantial increase in the number of titles and references. Some 5,000 new entries have been added, thereby doubling the size of the First Edition. The titles of books and articles are predominantly those published in the past 150 years. The titles are set out in the customary categories of papyri, majuscules, minuscules and lectionaries as classified in the conventional Gregory-Aland register.

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