9781606802564 / 1606802569

Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers: A Complete Translation of the Fragments in Diels (Forgotten Books)


4.24 gemiddelde beoordeling68 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Forgotten Books, 2008



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Boek samenvatting:

This is a translation of nearly every scrap of the writings of the Greek Pre-Socratic Philosophers, from the nearly legendary Orpheus, through Thales, Pythagoras, Heracleitus, Zeno, and Democritus. Included are translations of all known quotations from each writer, names of lost books they wrote, what other authors said about their beliefs, as well as spurious and dubious quotes. Some of the entries, indeed most, are very short, as we only know the names and a bit of biography for some of these figures. This book is a great reference for this topic, and makes fascinating reading. (Quote from

About the Author

Kathleen Freeman (June 22, 1897 - February 21, 1959) was a British classical scholar and (under the pseudonym Mary Fitt) author of detective novels.

She was born at Yardley, Birmingham, the daughter of a commercial traveller; she attended the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire in Cardiff (BA 1918, MA 1922, DLitt 1940) where she was appointed Lecturer in Greek in 1919. She lived from some time in the 1930s till her death at Lark's Rise, a house in St Mellons (now a district of Cardiff). She resigned from the University in 1946.

In 1936 she chose the pseudonym Mary Fitt for her mysteries, writing 27 books and a number of short stories, many of which feature detective Inspector (later Superintendent) Mallett. Between 1946 and 1954 she published a number of books on classical subjects aimed mainly at what she called "ordinary people" rather than specialists; these included The pre-Socratic philosophers (1946), The murder of Herodes and other trials from the Athenian law courts (1946), The Greek way: an anthology (1947), Greek city states (1950), God, Man and state. Greek concepts (1952), and The paths of justice (1954). S

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