9781859846001 / 1859846009

Lennon Remembers: The Full Rolling Stone Interviews from 1970


4.13 gemiddelde beoordeling2,233 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Verso Publishing, 2000



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Boek samenvatting:

Published on the twentieth anniversary of his death, this candid book reveals new information on the breakup of the Beatles, fellow musicians such as Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones, Lennons attitudes towards revolution and drugs, and his relationship with Yoko Ono. Featuring new introductions by Ono and Wenner, and containing substantial material never before seen in print, Lennon Remembers presents a compelling portrait of a complex musical genius at the height of his career. Sometimes anguished and angry, often tender and poignant, these interviews are indispensable to understanding who John Lennon was and why his legacy continues to resonate today.

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