9780385232791 / 0385232799

The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book: A Low-Fat Diet for the Treatment of M.S., Revised and Expanded Edition


3.85 gemiddelde beoordeling65 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Doubleday, 1987



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Swank and Dugan provide complete background information on the development of the diet and the clinical tests that have proven its effectiveness. In addition to helpful sections on the lifestyle of the M.S. patient, Swank and Dugan offer tips on sticking to the diet, equipping the kitchen, shopping for healthful food, eating out (with some pertinent information on fast-food restaurants), and keeping the careful dietary records that are essential to continuing good nutrition.
This is the low-fat diet that works in reducing the number and severity of relapses in M.S. patients  and The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book provides the nutritious and tasty recipes that M.S. patients and their families can live with for years to come.

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