9780415398435 / 0415398436

The Routledge Companion to Gothic (Routledge Companions)


4.17 gemiddelde beoordeling42 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Routledge, 2007



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Boek samenvatting:

In a wide ranging series of introductory essays written by some of the leading figures in the field, this essential guide explores the world of Gothic in all its myriad forms throughout the mid-eighteenth Century to the internet age.

The Routledge Companion to Gothic includes discussion on:

  • the history of Gothic
  • gothic throughout the English-speaking world i.e. London and USA as well as the postcolonial landscapes of Australia, Canada and the Indian subcontinent
  • key themes and concepts ranging from hauntings and the uncanny; Gothic femininities and queer Gothic
  • gothic in the modern world, from youth to graphic novels and films.

With ideas for further reading, this book is one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date guides on the diverse and murky world of the gothic in literature, film and culture.

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