9780920470565 / 0920470564

The Breuss Cancer Cure


4.14 gemiddelde beoordeling36 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Books Alive, 1995



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Boek samenvatting:

Naturopathic practitioner Rudolf Breuss developed a 42-day juice fasting program to nourish the body but starve cancer. He also formulated variations for different kinds of cancer. Following his instructions exactly was crucial to success.
> Although fasting seems irrational when the body is wasting away, Breuss' patients felt more alert and energetic as soon as they began the treatment. They continued to feel well throughout their fast. Throughout the book their many grateful letters testify to complete recoveries.
This title also contains Breuss' naturopathic and sometimes unusual treatment suggestions for a wide range of conditions from leukemia to rheumatism, infertility to cramps. His book reflects a lifetime of practice.

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