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Coin World, Opportunities abound for numismatic book searches
(December 31, 2007)
Locating an out-of-print numismatic book is as easy as counting to three.... BookFinder.com, is a free book search tool that allows users to view the collections of more than 60,000 sellers of new, used, rare and out-of-print books. The firm doesn't sell books. It provides readers with a list of the name of the bookseller, a description of the book and its condition, and the price.
The Seattle Times (WA), The five hottest out-of-print books
(December 28, 2007)
The online book-search engine BookFinder.com periodically delivers updates on the most popular out-of-print books, as indicated by its customers' ordering habits. These lists are fascinating, mostly because they represent a set of books that don't show up on traditional best-seller lists and don't benefit from any marketing campaign. But they remain enduringly popular, mostly by good, old word-of-mouth. Here are the top five most sought-after books of 2007, according to BookFinder.com. To get the top 10, go to its Web site (http://www.bookfinder.com/). 1. 'Once a Runner' by John L. Parker Jr. Published in 1978, this is a "cult classic distance running novel" whose sequel, "Again to Carthage," was released in November. 2. 'Football Scouting Methods' by Steve Belichick. A 1962 'legendary football scout's playbook.' 3. 'Sex' by Madonna. Published in 1992. Still hot. 4. 'Promise Me Tomorrow' by Nora Roberts. A 1984 novel that 'the best-selling romance novelist refuses to reprint.' Hmmm... 5. 'The Lion's Paw' by Robb White. A children's adventure story, first published in 1946.
Publishers Weekly, The PW Morning Report
(December 21, 2007)
Here's the Top Ten Out-of-Print Books for 2007, as reported by BookFinder.com: Once a Runner by John L. Parker Jr. is #1; Football Scouting Methods by Steve (Bill's father) Belichick is #2; and--the shock is overwhelming--Sex, the 1992 Madonna literary classic, comes in at #3.
The Writer's Market UK (Verenigd Koninkrijk), BookFinder's Top Ten Of 2007
(December 20, 2007)
BookFinder.com, the e-commerce search engine for new, used and out-of- print books, has released its fifth annual Top 10 Out-of-Print Books List. Once a Runner, by John L. Parker, Jr., came in on the top of the 2007 list. Perennial favourite Madonna's Sex came in at No. 3 on the list. "From 98 to 99 percent of all books ever published are now out-of-print, so they don't show up in traditional bestseller lists," said Anirvan Chatterjee, founder of BookFinder.com. "Without big marketing budgets behind them, these books have been getting buzz the old-fashioned way: reader word of mouth."
Book2Book (United Kingdom), Top 10 Out-of-print Books Of 2007
(December 20, 2007)
BookFinder.com, the e-commerce search engine for new, used and out-of- print books, has released its fifth annual Top 10 Out-of-Print Books of 2007, and Once a Runner, by John L. Parker, Jr., came in on the top of the list. Perennial favorite Madonna's Sex came in at No. 3 on the list.
The Herald News (Hackensack, NJ), Web site aids students with college needs
(December 20, 2007)
Textbook buying options: Amazon.com, Ebay.com, BookFinder.com and other commercial Web sites. New and used books are available.
The Bookseller (United Kingdom), BookFinder.com's top ten of 2007
(December 19, 2007)
Top Ten Out-of-Print Books of 2007: 1. Once a Runner, by John L. Parker, Jr. (1978); 2. Football Scouting Methods, by Steve Belichick (1962); 3. Sex, by Madonna (1992); 4. Promise Me Tomorrow, by Nora Roberts (1984); 5. The Lion's Paw, by Robb White (1946); 6. The Principles of Knitting, by June Hemmons Hiatt (1988); 7. Raven: The Untold Story of the Reverend Jim Jones and his People, by Tim Reiterman (1982); 8. Aran Knitting, by Alice Starmore (1997); 9. One Way Up, by John F. Straubel (1964); 10. Dear and Glorious Physician, by Taylor Caldwell (1959).
AuctionBytes, BookFinder.com Publishes Top 10 Out-of-Print Books of 2007
(December 19, 2007)
The top-ten most sought-after out-of-print books of 2007 include the running novel, 'Once a Runner,' the rare 'Football Scouting Methods,' by Steve Belichick, and the 571-page 'The Principles of Knitting,' according to BookFinder.com, which published its fifth annual list of best-selling out-of-print books on Tuesday...BookFinder.com is a search-engine of new, used, rare, and out-of-print books online with an inventory of over 150 million books available for sale from a network of 150,000 booksellers from over 50 countries.
The Book Standard, BookFinder.com Releases Top Ten of 2007
(December 19, 2007)
BookFinder.com, the e-commerce search engine for new, used and out-of-print books, has released its fifth annual Top 10 Out-of-Print Books of 2007, and Once a Runner, by John L. Parker, Jr., came in on the top of the list. Perennial favorite Madonna's Sex came in at No. 3 on the list. "From 98 to 99 percent of all books ever published are now out-of-print, so they don't show up in traditional bestseller lists," said Anirvan Chatterjee, founder of BookFinder.com. "Without big marketing budgets behind them, these books have been getting buzz the old-fashioned way: reader word of mouth."
Shelf Awareness, BookFinder.com's Most Popular: Knitting, Sex, Sports
(December 18, 2007)
BookFinder.com's most sought-after out-of-print books in 2007 (with BookFinder.com commentary) are: 1. Once a Runner by John L. Parker, Jr. (1978). Cult classic distance running novel (long-awaited sequel, Again to Carthage, released November). 2. Football Scouting Methods by Steve Belichick (1962). Legendary college football scout's playbook, used by coaches and players. 3. Sex by Madonna (1992). The pop icon's book of erotic photos, a perennial favorite. 4. Promise Me Tomorrow by Nora Roberts (1984). Early novel that the bestselling romance novelist refuses to reprint. 5. The Lion's Paw by Robb White (1946). Enduring children's adventure story. 6. The Principles of Knitting by June Hemmons Hiatt (1988). Ultimate indispensable hand knitting resource. 7. Raven: The Untold Story of the Reverend Jim Jones and his People by Tim Reiterman (1982). Chronicles the inner workings which allowed the People's Temple to flourish. 8. Aran Knitting by Alice Starmore (1997). History and how-to about the Irish technique. 9. One Way Up by John F. Straubel (1964). History of helicopters and vertically rising aircraft. 10. Dear and Glorious Physician by Taylor Caldwell (1959). Novel based on the life of Saint Luke.
HetNet (Nederland), Nieuwe boekenzoekmachine
(December 18, 2007)
Met Google kon je al langer boeken doorzoeken via internet. En online boekhandels zijn er ook genoeg. Maar met de nieuwe site Justbooks.nl hoef je niet langer meer uren te surfen als je op zoek bent naar een speciaal exemplaar. Deze zoekmachine is ontwikkeld om boeken op te sporen. Justbooks is een onderdeel van de Amerikaans boekenprijsvergelijker Bookfinder.com. Het bedrijf was al langer in Europa actief, namelijk in Engeland, Duitsland en Frankrijk. Sinds kort is er ook een Nederlandse editie. De site is een combinatie tussen een zoekmachine en een besteldienst. Je kunt zoeken op titel en op schrijver, en aangeven of je op zoek bent naar een speciale druk of een tweedehands exemplaar. Daarnaast moet je ingeven in welke taal het boek is geschreven. Je krijgt een overzicht te zien van aanbieders van het boek. Mocht je het willen bestellen, dan zie je er direct de totaalprijs bij staan, dus inclusief verzendkosten. Dat kan je wat zoekwerk besparen, want alle internetboekwinkels hanteren andere tarieven voor het versturen. Het bedrijf zegt zelf 125 miljoen boeken te kunnen vinden en zoekt daarvoor in de databases van grote bedrijven als Bol, Amazon, maar ook in de 'archieven' van antiquariaten.
Internet World Business (Duitsland), JustBooks.de expandiert nach Holland
(December 18, 2007)
Nach dem Markteintritt vor über einem Jahr in Deutschland und Großbritannien setzt die Buchsuchmaschine seine Ausbreitung in Europa fort. Auch die Holländer können ab sofort Bücher im Netz händlerübergreifend suchen und dabei die Preise vergleichen. Die Buchsuchmaschine JustBooks hat mit JustBooks.nl eine niederländische Dependence eröffnet. Zeitgleich verlässt verlässt das im September 2006 eröffnete deutsche Portal JustBooks.de die Beta-Phase. Das kalifornische Mutterunternehmen BookFinder.com will die europäische Expansion fortsetzen; Sites in Italien und Spanien sind in Planung.
Elsevier Retail (Nederland), Nederland heeft prijsvergelijker boeken
(December 17, 2007)
Bookfinder.com, de Amerikaanse prijsvergelijker voor boeken, is vandaag ook in Nederland van start gegaan. De nieuwe zoekmachine heet Justbooks.nl en heeft naar eigen zeggen 125 miljoen boeken uit vijftig landen geïndexeerd. JustBooks.nl zoekt in Nederland onder meer naar boeken die verkrijgbaar zijn bij Bol.com, Nl Store, Bruna en Antiqbook. Voor internationale boeken put de zoekmachine uit een veel groter bestand aan online boekenwinkels. De zoekmachine komt vooral van pas bij het vergelijken van de prijzen, stelt het bedrijf zelf. Bij de zoekresultaten wordt aangegeven of het gaat om nieuwe of tweedehands boeken. Ook worden in het zoekresultatenoverzicht de verzendkosten weergegeven. Justbooks.nl is een dochter van Bookfinder.com, dat in de Verenigde Staten sinds 1997 actief is.
Börsenblatt (Duitsland), Justbooks jetzt auch in den Niederlanden
(December 17, 2007)
Seit dem Markteintritt 2006 in Deutschland und Großbritannien hat sich Justbooks, eine Metasuche mit Preisvergleich für neue, gebrauchte und antiquarische Büher, auf dem europäischen Markt weiter ausgedehnt. In diesem Jahr kamen eine Website in Frankreich und jetzt--so eine aktuelle Pressemeldung--in den Niederlanden hinzu. In Planung sind entsprechende Angebote in Italien und Spanien. Justbooks ist eine Tochter des 1997 gegründeten kalifornischen Unternehmens Bookfinder (www.bookfinder.com), das seit zwei Jahren zu Abebooks.com gehört. Derzeit kann über Justbooks.de in einem Bestand von über 125 Millionen Titeln aus 50 Lädern gesucht werden.
Twinkle (Nederland), Boekenzoekmachine JustBooks.nl van start
(December 17, 2007)
Bookfinder.com, de Amerikaanse prijsvergelijker voor boeken, is vandaag ook in Nederland van start gegaan. De nieuwe zoekmachine heet Justbooks.nl en heeft naar eigen zeggen 125 miljoen boeken uit vijftig landen geïndexeerd. JustBooks.nl zoekt in Nederland onder meer naar boeken die verkrijgbaar zijn bij Bol.com, Nl Store, Bruna en Antiqbook. Voor internationale boeken put de zoekmachine uit een veel groter bestand aan online boekenwinkels. De zoekmachine komt vooral van pas bij het vergelijken van de prijzen, stelt het bedrijf zelf. Bij de zoekresultaten wordt aangegeven of het gaat om nieuwe of tweedehands boeken. Ook worden in het zoekresultatenoverzicht de verzendkosten weergegeven. Justbooks.nl is een dochter van Bookfinder.com, dat in de Verenigde Staten sinds 1997 actief is.
The Daily Press (Newport News, VA), Do research to find book's price
(December 16, 2007)
Let me save you some money. Smart collectors know I always suggest that readers find and research books on Abebooks, Bibio.com, or BookFinder.com. If the book is of antiquarian interest, find a local seller on Abaa.org
The Arizona Daily Star (Tucson), The Smart Collector
(December 9, 2007)
Q: How do I have my first-edition 1885 book, the personal memoirs of U.S. Grant, authenticated? Handwritten in the front is a dedication by Grant. (Lance, Tulsa, Okla.) A: Let me guess: The fact that the book is a first edition gives you an idea it might be valuable. Authentication would determine if the written dedication is truly that of the Civil War general, later president. The appraisal is to assess the item and determine value. Let me save you some money. Smart collectors know I always suggest that readers find and research books on abebooks, biblio.com or BookFinder.com.
AE Monthly, A Look at Bookselling with Anirvan Chatterjee of BookFinder.com
(December 1, 2007)
BookFinder.com is the leading meta-search site, that is, a search engine which searches book listings on many different websites. From the BookFinder.com search box you can enter a book title or author (or various other descriptive fields) and search dozens of different bookselling sites at once. BookFinder.com will search the three 'A's' (AbeBooks, Alibris and Amazon), midsize sites such as Biblio, Half and Choosebooks, cooperative sites such as ILAB, IOBA and Tom Folio, overseas (for Americans) sites including AntiqBook, Maremagnum, livre-rare-book and Books and Collectibles, along with many others. BookFinder.com began a little over ten years ago as a class project at the University of California at Berkeley by then 19-year-old student Anirvan Chatterjee. He had to write a software program, and Chatterjee was already interested in books. He noted that he spent a lot of time searching for books, 'but I couldn't find everything I wanted.' The result was that he built a search engine that would search multiple bookselling sites at once to simplify the task. Chatterjee discovered that what he had designed was more than just an academic project, but 'something people could use.' So, he put it up online. That was on January 30, 1997, and Chatterjee recalls having around eight sites that were searched at the time. By the way, he got an 'A' on the project.
The Yellow Springs News (OH), New, used knowledge at Dark Star
(November 29, 2007)
Change caused by the Internet has greatly facilitated the job of gauging widespread appeal and pricing for many books that Dark Star takes in through library sales and donations, Wilson said. With Advanced Book Exchange and BookFinder.com, at the click of a button she can have a pretty good idea of whether what she has on her hands is a $1,000 gem or a knockoff that should never have been published.
The Lansing State Journal (MI), Don't pay retail when better offers, free shipping are available online
(November 26, 2007)
When I'm shopping online, my goal is simple: I never pay full price. Ever. This isn't a difficult task. The Web is teeming with discounts, coupons and special offers - and sites to help you find the low prices you're looking for. You just have to know where to find the deals...BookFinder.com.
El Nuevo Herald (Miami, FL), Los estudiantes buscan en internet mejores precios para los libros
(November 11, 2007)
Websites como Abe-Books.com, eBay's Half.com y textbooks.com se encuentran entre cientos de 'sitios' donde los estudiantes pueden llevar a cabo su compra de libros de texto en la internet, en ocasiones gastando menos de la mitad de lo que invertirian en la libreria de la escuela. La ventaja de comprar online es un costo mas bajo y una mayor disponibilidad de un libro de texto determinado, dijo Anirvan Chatterjee, el fundador de BookFinder.com, un 'sitio' que busca mas de 125 millones de libros entre mas de 80 websites de venta de libros de texto. Chatterjee inicio el 'sitio' en 1997, en respuesta a los altos precios que el estaba pagando por sus libros de texto como estudiante en la Universidad de California-Berkeley. 'El costo es un asunto importante para los estudiantes, y con el precio de los libros de los libros de texto en aumento, eso no va a mejorar', dijo Chatterjee. BookFinder.com le permite a los estudiantes buscar libros de texto por autor, titulo o por el International Standard Book Number (ISBN). Busca todos los resultados equivalentes en varios 'sites' de compra de libros de texto, enumerandolos desde el mas barato hasta el mas caro. Una ventaja adicional del ''sitio'' es que el precio que se muestra incluye envio y manejo, asi que el estudiante sabe exactamente cuanto tiene que gastar para comprar el libro.
The Miami Herald (FL), Students hit the Web for better book deals
(November 11, 2007)
As textbook prices rise, students forgo campus bookstores for online textbook retailers to find cheaper books...Online Advantages: The benefit to shopping online is a lower cost and higher availability of a textbook, said Anirvan Chatterjee, the founder of BookFinder.com, a site that searches more than 125 million books from more than 80 textbook retailer sites. Chatterjee started the site in 1997 in response to the high prices he was paying for his textbooks as a student at the University of California-Berkeley. 'Cost is a huge issue for students, and with textbook prices rising, it isn't getting any better,' Chatterjee said. BookFinder.com allows students to search for textbooks by author, title or International Standard Book Number (ISBN). It searches for the matching results on several textbook-purchasing sites, sorting them from the cheapest to the most expensive. An added perk to the site is that the price shown includes shipping and handling, so students will know exactly what they have to spend to purchase the book.
The Detroit News (MI), Before buying online, surf and save
(November 2, 2007)
When I'm shopping online, my goal is simple: I never pay full price. Ever. This isn't a difficult task. The Web is teeming with discounts, coupons and special offers -- and sites to help you find the low prices you're looking for. You just have to know where to find the deals...Let the bargain sites do the comparison shopping for you. Here are a few sites that can help you find a good deal without devoting hours to the search...BookFinder.com.
The Chicago Free Press (IL), On Deck for the Winter Baseball Season
(Oktober 31, 2007)
Yes, the arrival of November need not send baseball enthusiasts into hibernation for five cold winter months...Powerhouse prose: Bibliophile baseball fans can go scouting for the best prices on the best reads about this great pastime on BookFinder.com. Through its network of more than 100,000 new and used booksellers, BookFinder.com can locate copies of classic titles and latest bestsellers and out-of- print collectibles. Some recommendations: Philip Roth's 'The Great American Novel,' W.P. Kinsella's 'Shoeless Joe,' Mark Harris' 'Bang the Drum Slowly' and Michael Lewis' 'Moneyball: The Art of Wining an Unfair Game.'
The Southern Illinoisan (Carbondale), Where to Find the Deals
(Oktober 25, 2007)
Let the bargain sites do the comparison shopping for you. Here are a few sites that can help you find a good deal without devoting hours to the search. Books, music and movies. Looking for the best price on a copy of Stephen Colbert's new book? Or a cheap replacement for the Radiohead CD your ex made off with?...BookFinder.com gives you similar results but only for books and searches a large number of sites that sell textbooks. Which is useful if you're a college student trying to save on required books.
The Salt Lake City Tribune (UT), Surf and save
(Oktober 22, 2007)
The Web is teeming with discounts, coupons and special offers and sites to help you find the low prices you're looking for. You just have to know where to find the deals...BookFinder.com.
How to Live, 25 Essential Web Resources for Researchers and Students
(Oktober 22, 2007)
3. BookFinder.com: If you are looking for any kind of book, whether it is rare or out-of-print, specific edition - You will find it at BookFinder.com. Over 125 millions book titles to search, you can actually buy new and old-books from this site. They achieve by doing a search through every major catalog available online.
The Arizona Daily Star (Tucson), Internet has tons of great discounts for shoppers
(Oktober 20, 2007)
When you're shopping online, you may want to adopt this frugal strategy: Never pay full price. Ever. This isn't a difficult task. The Web is teeming with discounts, coupons and special offers -- and sites to help you find the low prices you're looking for. You just have to know where to find the deals...BookFinder.com gives you similar results -- but only for books -- and searches a large number of sites that sell textbooks.
The Seattle Post Intelligencer (WA), Bargains abound in cyberspace: Some web sites are geared to saving online shoppers money
(Oktober 10, 2007)
Be specific when you search. You can get lost for hours -- days, maybe -- if you just type 'black leather bag' into a search engine. To get the best deal online, it helps to know exactly what you want...Where to find the deals: Here are a few sites that can help you find a good deal without devoting hours to the search. Books, music and movies...BookFinder.com (books)
The Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, TX), Surf and save: Finding discounts online
(Oktober 9, 2007)
Is it possible to get a discount on everything you buy online, from bestsellers to laptops? It just might be. Here's how to start. When I'm shopping online, my goal is simple: I never pay full price. Ever. This isn't a difficult task. The Web is teeming with discounts, coupons and special offers -- and sites to help you find the low prices you're looking for. You just have to know where to find the deals...BookFinder.com gives you similar results -- but only for books -- and searches a large number of sites that sell textbooks. Which is useful if you're a college student trying to save on required books.
Associated Content, Find Cheap(er) College Textbooks Online: Your Three Sources for All Your Textbook Needs
(Oktober 5, 2007)
BookFinder.com (www.bookfinder.com): The first place you should look. The interface isn't pretty, but it's easy to use and if you know the ISBN you can click advanced search and find your book quickly. If the book is online, Bookfinder will find it! They always list both new and used prices, including s/h charges and search the major online resources (Amazon, Halfprice, etc) and independent retailers or consortiums (ABE.books, etc.). The major drawback is that listers are not required to put the condition of the books -- sometimes you have to weed through a lot of them without knowing what the individual seller's policies are. However, I have never been even slightly unhappy with a book I ordered via their site. Verdict: If you have time, you can find the best prices here.
Business Week, He's Still Beating The House
(Oktober 1, 2007)
Ed Thorp's moment is coming--again. Thorp is an investor, mathematician, and crack blackjack player whose winning system got him expelled from Reno casinos in the 1960s. Now his 1967 work, Beat the Market: A Scientific Stock Market System, has been named one of the most sought-after out-of-print books of the past year by BookFinder.com. Beat the Market, which sells for up to $750 on Amazon.com (AMZN), describes his investing system, a precursor of the Black-Scholes formula. Why is the book so hot now? Perhaps it's rising interest in the relation between gambling and investing. Thorp also gets mentions in recent books, including Nassim Nicholas Taleb's best-seller on probability, The Black Swan. Another attention-getter: publicity about a cigarette-pack-size computer co-invented by Thorp in the '60s, to be exhibited next spring at Germany's Heinz Nixdorf computer museum. "It could predict where a roulette ball would land," he says.
Good Housekeeping Good Deals Blog, Save by Renting College Textbooks
(September 21, 2007)
But if purchasing is still your thing, there are some other good ways to save. Try BookFinder.com, an umbrella site that searches through thousands of booksellers worldwide. It's a good way to compare prices and availability of new and uses textbooks.
The Oregonian (Portland), Lap up new uses for that laptop, students
(September 20, 2007)
Book-buying. Start with the Web site of your school bookstore. Often you can preorder books online and beat the rush. Many bookstores also have buyback programs at the end of the term. BookFinder.com lets you search by ISBN, author or title to find the textbooks you need. Your results on BookFinder.com will show new, used and even international editions of your book from sellers around the Web. Tip: If you buy books online, check to make sure that you're getting the correct edition (some professors are particular). Leave time for shipping so you don't end up bookless the first weeks of class.
About.com: Knitting, Coveted Knitting Titles
(September 14, 2007)
BookFinder.com recently released its lists of the most sought-after out-of-print books of the year, and three knitting titles made the top 10 in the crafts, hobbies and how to section: Principles of Knitting by June Hemmons Hiatt. No big surprise there; this huge book is considered a bible of knitting techniques and has been going for hundreds of dollars at Amazon and eBay; Alice Starmore's Aran Knitting. This one is also running about $200 on Amazon, and is a classic book on the history of Aran knitting, debunking the myths while sharing beautiful patterns; and Knitting Lace: A Workshop with Patterns and Projects by Susanna Lewis. Another cherished guide to a popular knitting technique, this book is technical but useful for knitters of all skill levels. I've seen it going for as 'little' as $200 or as much as $500. As a person who has worked in publishing, I know that books are taken out of print for lots of different reasons, and that a lot of books remain popular and fetch high prices when there are no new copies available. The point of this post isn't to rile people up about publishers who don't understand how many of us would buy these books if we could, or to rehash rumors (all unsubstantiated, as far as I can tell) that any of these books are going to be reprinted soon.
Book2Book (Verenigd Koninkrijk), 'Guy Books' Are Most Coveted Rarities
(September 14, 2007)
The Great Tool Emporium and Cab Forward: the Story of the Southern Pacific Articulated Locomotives may sound like candidates for the Oddest Title award. In fact, perhaps surprisingly, they are some of the most sought after books in the United States. They appear on a list of in-demand titles requested on BookFinder.com, a 10-year-old comparison search engine for buying used, rare and out-of-print books online. Its annual report tracks the most requested out-of-print titles in the US from an inventory of 125m titles.
The Guardian (Verenigd Koninkrijk), 'Guy books' are most coveted rarities
(September 13, 2007)
The Great Tool Emporium and Cab Forward: the Story of the Southern Pacific Articulated Locomotives may sound like candidates for the Oddest Title award. In fact, perhaps surprisingly, they are some of the most sought after books in the United States. They appear on a list of in-demand titles requested on BookFinder.com, a 10-year-old comparison search engine for buying used, rare and out-of-print books online. Its annual report tracks the most requested out-of-print titles in the US from an inventory of 125m titles. The Great Tool Emporium, described as 'a pictorial extravaganza of tools', is just one of a number of what BookFinder.com calls 'guy books' to dominate the lists. Also featured are The Book of Bond; or, Every Man His Own 007 by Kingsley Amis, Hell, I Was There! by the rancher, big game hunter and firearms innovator Elmer Keith, and Football Scouting Methods by Steve Belichick. As a counterbalance to the testosterone, also sought after are The Principles of Knitting, Knitting Lace and I Do: Achieving your Dream Wedding by Jessica Simpson. Madonna tops the arts and music list with her 1992 photobook, Sex, while the biography list shows a hunger for works about boxer Rubin Carter, singer Johnny Cash and the British occultist Aleister Crowley. The most searched- for fiction titles range from the relatively recent but out-of-print - Nora Roberts' bodice-ripper Promise Me Tomorrow - to novels by Nancy Mitford (Wigs on the Green) and CS Lewis (The Allegory of Love). There nearest equivalent on such a large scale in the UK is AbeBooks.co.uk, the British branch of the global site which stocks over 100m new, secondhand and out-of-print books.
The Eagle (Washington, DC), Web site offers cheaper text options: BookFinder.com scours Web for best deals, finds alternative editions
(September 10, 2007)
At a time of year when many AU [American University] students's wallets are suffering the loss of hundreds of dollars in textbook bills, one Web site, BookFinder.com, could save students money. The site, an online service that searches thousands of booksellers' Web sites, could save an incoming AU freshman with an average schedule more than $550 on textbooks...The Web site searches through all available partner booksellers, from Amazon to 'small mom-and-pop, selling-off-the-kitchen-table shops,' said Anirvan Chatterjee, founder of BookFinder.com. 'We will scour the ends of the earth,' he said. Hilary Ross, a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences, said BookFinder.com sounds like Expedia or Orbitz, Web sites that search the Internet for the cheapest deals on hotels, air travel and car rentals. In addition to searching for the best prices of the current editions of books, the site looks for older editions and international editions from countries like Canada and Malaysia. 'If you're a little bit flexible, there are amazing deals to be found,' Chatterjee said. International editions are almost identical to U.S. editions but may be written with metric rather than English units of measurement or may have thinner pages, according to Chatterjee. He compared the international textbooks to Canadian prescription drugs because the packaging may be different, but the basic product is identical. 'There is usually zero content difference,' he said.
The Sydney Morning Herald (Australië), Good things come in threes; Japan
(September 6, 2007)
Writer Roderick Eime laments what he calls tick tourism. 'A lot of travelers simply tick off places they've been to like items on a shopping list,' he says 'Wouldn't it be better if they really tried to experience the places they're visiting?'...Must Read: Magome was the birthplace of Japanese novelist Shimazaki Toson. His great lumbering novel Before the Dawn, set right in the Kiso Valley, runs to more than 750 pages in English. This novel is recommended as advance reading. Try locating a copy through BookFinder.com.
Yahoo! Tech, Web Tools for the Organized Student
(September 6, 2007)
Lifehacker has 10 Top Back to School Tips that are good for high school and college students. They range from a textbook deals finder (BookFinder.com), a bibliography maker (OttoBib), LitSum online literature summaries and study guides, and some nice apps for sharing class notes.
Lifehacker, Top 10 Back to School Tools for the Organized Student
(September 5, 2007)
The leaves are browning, your pencils are sharpened and the lecture hall awaits--it's time to head back to school, and this semester you can arrive at your ivy-covered bastion of higher education armed with power tools for the wired scholar. Whether you're looking for deals on textbooks, the most productive Facebook apps, research utilities or the best ways to share and organize your class notes, there are more downloads and web services available for the tech-savvy student than ever. Before you head off to PSYC 310, take a gander at our top 10 software and webapps for students this fall...7. BookFinder.com Textbook Deal Search.
The Christian Science Monitor, Book bits: Oldies but Goodies
(September 4, 2007)
BookFinder.com last week released their annual list of the Top 10 most searched for out-of-print books across 10 different categories. They pointed to a 'distinctly masculine tone' to this year's list, noting the success of titles like The Book of Bond or Everyman His Own 007 by Kingsley Amis and The Great Tool Emporium by David Manners, although I Do: Achieving Your Dream Wedding by Jessica Simpson was also a featured title. Books scoring high in particular categories include Sex by Madonna (No. 1 in arts and music); Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones and His People by Tim Reiterman (biography); The Lion's Paw by Robb White (children's); Football Scouting Methods by Steve Belichick (crafts, hobbies, and how-to); Once a Runner by John L. Parker Jr. (fiction); Flash in the Pan: Life and Death of an American Restaurant by David Blum (history); One Way Up by John F. Straubel (science); Rage by Stephen King (science fiction, fantasy, and horror), and Our Harvard by Jeffrey L. Lant, ed. (society and culture.).
ResourceShelf, The BookFinder.com Report 2007
(September 4, 2007)
The Report tracks the most sought-after out-of-print books in America, breaking down demand for popular OOP titles in ten different genres. We know publishing is a man's world, but some of this year's in-demand titles are even more testosterone-driven than usual: Kingsley Amis' The Book of Bond, or Every Man His Own 007; The Great Tool Emporium, a coffee-table 'pictorial extravaganza of the tools of yesterday and today'; Hell, I Was There!, the autobiography of big game hunter and firearms innovator Elmer Keith (the creator of the .357 Magnum, among others); Beyond Backpacking by controversial extreme ultralight backpacking advocate Ray Jardine, who suggests leaving behind tents, sleeping bags, and water filtration systems.
Quill & Quire (Canada), Top-selling out-of-print books
(September 3, 2007)
Every year, the rare and used books website BookFinder.com releases a bestseller list of out-of-print books, and this year's list has now been unveiled. Some of the highlights are Cameron Crowe's Fast Times at Ridgemont High: A True Story, Jessica Simpson's now forebodingly titled I Do: Achieving Your Dream Wedding, David Manners' The Great Tool Emporium, which describes itself as 'a pictorial extravaganza of the tools of yesterday and today,' and photographer Larry Clark's too- icky-to-ever-be-printed-again Teenage Lust. You can see the full list -- which has been broken down into several categories here: http:// report.bookfinder.com/2007/.
The Hindu (India), Buy books on the Net
(September 2, 2007)
Several fabulous book search engines help you get hold of used, out- of-print, rare and first editions. I've completely changed my mind about browsing for and buying books on the Internet. My lament many columns ago that book browsing and buying on the World Wide Web was fast replacing the actual physical act of being in a bookstore was a typical Luddite response. I had thought then that it could only benefit the book seller/dealer and not the buyer/browser. I could not have been more wrong. I've spent the best part of this year browsing for books on the Net and have come away astonished and excited at the riches in store for a book lover there. It's like a giant bookstore where you can track down and find any book you are looking for -- used, hard to find, backlists of an author's work, out of print, rare and first editions. You are accessing the stocks of thousands of book dealers across the world...Which brings me to 'BookFinder.com': one master search engine that combines ALL the search sites where you can compare price, shipping, condition and variants. It lets you browse every major catalog online, letting you know which of these booksellers are offering the best prices and selections. When you find a book you want, you can buy it directly from the original seller. There are no mark-up fees involved. What particularly interests me about 'BookFinder.com' (which just turned 10) is that it was launched (in 1997) by Anirvan Chatterjee, then a 19-year-old UC Berkeley undergraduate. Chatterjee notes that 'both Newsweek and Money called it one of the two best book sites online.'
The Sydney Morning Herald (Australië), Entertainment Blog: Patrick White under the hammer
(September 1, 2007)
A battered copy of Patrick White's rare first novel, Happy Valley (Undercover, August 18) was surprisingly popular on eBay last week. After setting a starting price of $25, its owner, Kaye Mattner, watched with amazement as seven buyers placed 35 bids over nine days. The winning bid was for $303. Better copies of the same British edition, published by George G Harrap in 1939, are priced up to $7295.53 at BookFinder.com.
The Berkshire Eagle (Pittsfield, MA), Model way to save on textbooks
(September 1, 2007)
The line of Williams College students that passers-by may notice this coming Wednesday morning, snaking up to the door of 26 Water St. in Williamstown, is always there as school opens, hunting for bargains -- book bargains. With the average student bill for books running $600 a year at Williams, the chance to save can be well worth waiting in line -- for hours if necessary...For those not attending Williams (whose 1914 is not open to the public), an article in last Thursday's New York Times titled, 'Knowledge is Priceless but Textbooks are Not,' directs families to a Web site that makes online shopping for college textbooks easier. BookFinder.com, an umbrella search size that sifts the inventories of thousands of booksellers, has an easy to use textbook search tool, the article says. Enter the title and author and it will let you comparison shop -- without waiting in line.
The Tuscaloosa News (AL), Knowledge Is Priceless but Textbooks Are Not
(Augustus 30, 2007)
A BookFinder.com search last week for 'Genki II: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II' turned up 24 new and used copies, at prices ranging from $20.94 at Amazon.com to $110.62 at Amazon.de. For each of the 24 copies, total price (including shipping) is listed on a single page, along with information about how soon the book will ship. Some sellers offer expedited delivery. Amazon, for instance, offers overnight delivery and discounts of up to 30 percent off on new copies of 200,000 textbooks.
Yahoo! Tech, More Textbook Deals on the Web
(Augustus 30, 2007)
I pointed to several discount book sale and trading web sites in this post, but the New York Time's Michelle Slatalla adds more to the list in a humorous, mom-of-a-college-freshman kind of way. As usual, it's a fun read, so check it out. But here are some of the sites she mentions. If you've got college kids, send them the links...BookFinder.com - Search on a book title and this site will compare availability, prices, and shipping costs of books from hundreds of thousands of booksellers worldwide.
The Herald Tribune (Sarasota, FL), Knowledge Is Priceless but Textbooks Are Not
(Augustus 30, 2007)
The good news is that there's a new tool this year to make it easier to shop online for textbooks. BookFinder.com, an umbrella search site that sifts through the inventories of hundreds of thousands booksellers worldwide, started a simple, easy-to-use textbook search tool. The way it works: enter a title, I.S.B.N. or author's name in BookFinder.com's textbooks search box to navigate a huge database of 125 million new and used books. You can compare prices, shipping costs and the availability of less expensive editions published overseas
Ocala Star-Banner (FL), Knowledge Is Priceless but Textbooks Are Not
(Augustus 30, 2007)
'Our goal is to give students all the options of buying any new or used edition, whether it's published here or for an overseas market, and then let them decide which books are the best deals for them,' said Anirvan Chatterjee, BookFinder.com's founder.
The Ledger (Lakeland FL), Knowledge Is Priceless but Textbooks Are Not
(Augustus 30, 2007)
BookFinder.com, an umbrella search site that sifts through the inventories of hundreds of thousands booksellers worldwide, started a simple, easy-to-use textbook search tool. The way it works: enter a title, I.S.B.N. or author's name in BookFinder.com's textbooks search box to navigate a huge database of 125 million new and used books. You can compare prices, shipping costs and the availability of less expensive editions published overseas.
The Herald Tribune (Sarasota, FL), Knowledge Is Priceless but Textbooks Are Not
(Augustus 30, 2007)
The good news is that there's a new tool this year to make it easier to shop online for textbooks. BookFinder.com, an umbrella search site that sifts through the inventories of hundreds of thousands booksellers worldwide, started a simple, easy-to-use textbook search tool.
Lifehacker, Find Cheap Textbooks
(Augustus 30, 2007)
The NY Times tackles that old September chestnut: where to find discounted textbooks. Suggestions include using online book deal-hunter BookFinder.com, and opting for less-expensive international editions of textbooks.
The New York Times, Knowledge Is Priceless but Textbooks Are Not
(Augustus 30, 2007)
With this year's news about the ways some unscrupulous colleges make an extra buck off students' naivete -- from loan officers who accepted lenders' kickbacks to schools that got cash incentives to steer students to expensive study-abroad programs -- I felt it was expedient to warn my daughter about a big expense that looms before her. Textbooks...The good news is that there's a new tool this year to make it easier to shop online for textbooks. BookFinder.com, an umbrella search site that sifts through the inventories of hundreds of thousands booksellers worldwide, started a simple, easy-to-use textbook search tool. The way it works: enter a title, I.S.B.N. or author's name in BookFinder's textbooks search box to navigate a huge database of 125 million new and used books. You can compare prices, shipping costs and the availability of less expensive editions published overseas. Consider, for example, a textbook required for an advanced Japanese course at my daughter's college. A BookFinder search last week for 'Genki II: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II' turned up 24 new and used copies, at prices ranging from $20.94 at Amazon.com to $110.62 at Amazon.de. For each of the 24 copies, total price (including shipping) is listed on a single page, along with information about how soon the book will ship. Some sellers offer expedited delivery. Amazon, for instance, offers overnight delivery and discounts of up to 30 percent off on new copies of 200,000 textbooks. 'Our goal is to give students all the options of buying any new or used edition, whether it's published here or for an overseas market, and then let them decide which books are the best deals for them,' said Anirvan Chatterjee, BookFinder.com's founder. There are some caveats. My daughter, like a lot of freshmen, won't know which textbooks she needs to buy until she completes registration on the eve of starting classes; some books she may need immediately. And some instructors may require the newest American editions of textbooks. 'But in most cases, most international editions published for Canada, the Philippines, Malaysia and India are really similar to the U.S. versions,' Mr. Chatterjee said. 'So we've been working on really boosting our inventory of those books, adding 18 to 20 new international partners this year.'
The Book Standard, BookFinder Announces Top Out-of-Print Books
(Augustus 30, 2007)
BookFinder.com, the online comparison search engine for new, rare and used books, has announced its annual out-of-print bestseller lists, with some familiar names, like Madonna's Sex, and some ironic titles, like Jessica Simpson's I Do: Achieving Your Dream Wedding making appearances. The website breaks the books down into categories like arts and music, popular science and technology, biography and more. Some of the top in-demand out-of-print books include The Book of Bond, or Every Man His Own 007, by Sir Kingsley Amis, writing as Lt. Col. William 'Bill' Tanner (Mysteries/Thrillers), The Lion's Paw, by Rob White (Children's), Football Scouting Methods, by Steve Belichick (Crafts, Hobbies and How-Tos), Flash in the Pan: Life and Death of an American Restaurant, by David Blum (History) and Once a Runner: A Novel, by John L. Parker, Jr. (Fiction and Literature). The full list of top out-of-print books can be found online. 'From 98 to 99 percent of all books ever published are now out-of-print, so they don't show up in traditional bestseller lists,' said Anirvan Chatterjee, BookFinder.com founder. 'Without big marketing budgets behind them, these books have been getting buzz the old-fashioned way: reader word of mouth.'
ABC7 (San Francisco), Web Sites Promise Best College Book Prices
(Augustus 29, 2007)
BookFinder.com scans a wide variety of Web Sites and gives you prices from each of them. Our interns say they found the best prices on bookfinder.com.
The Oregonian (Portland), Back Fence
(Augustus 27, 2007)
Looking for an out-of-print book? We've gotten several messages from readers who are looking for specific books: Rather than run the names of these individually, we suggest Portland's own Powells.com, which has a search engine and a 'used book alert.' Other big used-book sellers online are Abebooks.com, Amazon.com, BookFinder.com and Alibris.com.
The Sun-News (Las Cruces, NM), Cost of textbooks adds to college students' load
(Augustus 20, 2007)
The beginning of the fall semester can be stressful for college students and parents as they seem to continuously turn over money for tuition, fees, room and board, and one sore spot for many - textbooks. Many students wish they could spend their savings from summer jobs or money from their parents on fun items, such as clothes and nights out with reunited college friends. Instead, many have to budget - and even take out loans - to pay for college textbooks, which can cost hundreds of dollars per semester...Try to search in search engines that specializes in book searches, like...BookFinder.com or similar. They compare prices from different online vendors.
The Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, PA), Beating the bookstore odds
(Augustus 20, 2007)
The chain book store experience of Borders and Barnes & Noble is an expensive world away from another kind of bookstore, where the hours may not be as convenient and the selections not as up to date, but publishers don't pay competitive rates for the display space either. Every book is an equal on the shelves of used, rare and out-of-print booksellers -- a quiet presence with thousands of books on hand to satisfy any booklover's cravings...The owners also sell and source books on the Internet, citing BookFinder.com as a good place to look for hard-to-find titles.
Sympatico-MSN Finance (Canada), Student finances 101: A lesson in dollars and cents
(Augustus 10, 2007)
Students can bank on shelling out an average of $12,000 for tuition, and room and board at a Canadian university this year. But there's another $3,000 likely to be spent on textbooks, supplies, transportation and "other." So, how do you keep freshmen from draining their bank account before Thanksgiving? Get the facts. Heading off to university can be a great money management experience for both student and parents. Your first instinct may be to create a detailed budget before you wave goodbye, but this way you're almost sure to leave some key things out. For most kids, it's the first time that they'll be handling money without direct parental supervision. So, let them figure it out...Pick up used books. Buying used books is an established practice, and Internet sites like Half.com and BookFinder.com have made it much easier to skip the campus bookstore.
Laptop Magazine, Ten Web Sites Guaranteed to Make Your School Semester Easier
(Juli 20, 2007)
There are more productivity websites crowding the Internet than there are credit card vendors swarming around campus offering free T-shirts and koozies for your signature. We sorted through the myraid to-do sites, grade managers, and personal calendars to find the sites that will help you stay on top of your semester. So when Facebook and craigslist don't do exactly what you need, and you're sick of using your Gmail account to store assignments, notes, and lists, use these sites to manage your time, reduce your stress, save some cash, and clear your schedule for something fun. Best Site to Buy Textbooks, Cheap. A trip to the campus bookstore can end up exceding the cost of a month's rent, but searching countless bookselling websites is a tedious process. So before you cough up a few hundo and force yourself to eat a semester of Ramen so you can afford that spring- break trip, check out BookFinder.com. BookFinder.com searches more than 100,000 booksellers worldwide (including popular sites like Amazon, BookByte.com, and Half.com) for any book, whether it's new, used, or out of print. And because BookFinder.com is simply an aggregator, you order directly from the retailer; there's no markup for its services. We liked that your search results come up in two columns: Used and New. Besides helping you save money, BookFinder.com is a useful tool for finding the going rate of a textbook to help you decide if ordering online really is that much cheaper than going to the bookstore, or to find a realistic price for selling your own books online. You can use BookFinder.com to find the best deals for non-academic books, too.
The Bonita Daily News (Bonita Springs, FL), Cash on the bookshelf
(Juli 6, 2007)
There are collectors for all kinds of yesteryear items. How about those children's books you have had for years? Or did Grandma leave you some unnamed painting or watercolor or postcards or greeting cards of the 19th century stacked in a drawer? Or was someone in your family a natural history buff and accumulated books now worth big money?...If you're looking online for books and their sale prices to compare them to what you have, one of the most thorough sources seems to be BookFinder.com: http://www.bookfinder.com/.
Naples Daily News (FL), Cash on the bookshelf
(Juli 6, 2007)
Old texts, outdated technical books may be income if you know what you have...If you're looking online for books and their sale prices to compare them to what you have, one of the most thorough sources seems to be BookFinder.com: http://www.bookfinder.com/. The site found copies and prices for several books long out of print, as well as for Florida authors, from Marjory Stoneman Douglas to the late Everglades City author Rob Storter.
Newsweek.com, What You Need to Know Now
(Juli 2, 2007)
There are Things You Need to Know. And then there's a lot of stuff that it's just good to know--stuff that makes your life easier, richer or sometimes a little more fun. Here in the Newsweek Test Kitchen, we came up with a random list of examples through the highly unscientific method of asking ourselves and our friends for examples. There's nothing here that's going to change your life, but a lot that made us smile and in nearly every case we were glad we'd thought to ask the question...Great Books: BookFinder.com searches online book sites for new and used titles, including Abebooks, Alibris and Amazon, and lists the results by price, low to high.
INTERNET PRATIQUE (Frankrijk), Des bouquins au juste prix
(Juni 26, 2007)
Le comparateur de prix mise sur une interface simplissime. Pour chercher un livre, vous devez entrer les informations le concernant (titre et nom de l'auteur) dans les champs appropriés, ou cliquer sur le lien Recherche avancée pour lancer une recherche par ISBN ou par mots-clés. Une liste d'auteurs et de titres correspondant a votre recherche s'affiche alors rapidement. La comparaison des prix est facilitée par un affichage des résultats en deux colonnes, les livres neufs a gauche, les livres d'occasion a droite Sur ces derniers, une description du vendeur precise l'état de l'exemplaire. Enfin, il suffit de cliquer sur le prix d'un livre pour savoir comment le commander. Un conseil : notez bien le nom du vendeur - Justbooks n'est qu'un moteur et ne s'occupe pas de la transaction.
The Belfast Telegraph (Northern Ireland) (Verenigd Koninkrijk), 101 Really Useful Websites
(Juni 11, 2007)
The ingenious sites here can transform your life in the real world...BookFinder.com: Search for titles and authors through over 125 million new, used, rare, out of print and international books and compare reviews on this site that's been going strong for 10 years.
The Independent (Verenigd Koninkrijk), Best of the Web
(Juni 11, 2007)
The net's not just about eBay and MySpace. The ingenious sites here can transform your life in the real world. Want to be first in line for gig tickets, find free parking or get paid to shop? It's all just a click away...BookFinder.com: Search for titles and authors through over 125 million new, used, rare, out of print and international books and compare reviews on this site that's been going strong for 10 years.
Internet Retailer Magazine, A sea of shoppers. Spearfishing vs. casting a wide net: Search marketers try out niche search engines
(Juni 2007)
Even Amazon participates in vertical search on BookFinder.com, which populates its engine with data feeds and other methods of gathering product content. The vertical engine collects a fee on sales from the traffic it drives to retailers. But why does Amazon, whose own URL is hands-down the best-known among online book buyers, need a niche engine such as BookFinder.com? 'Nobody doesn't want more sales. Working with BookFinder.com is a great way for booksellers to get incremental sales they would not have been able to get from another source,' says BookFinder.com founder and CEO Anivran Chatterjee. Besides having a broad base that includes market segments such as textbook buyers and highend collectors who might not look first on a general engine, BookFinder.com's engine has large base of international users. 'We manage to channel a lot of international sales to our American booksellers, and vice versa,' Chatterjee says.
Siliconeer, Book Lover's Friend: 10 Years of BookFinder
(Juni 2007)
From a college project, BookFinder.com grew into one of the most popular search engine for books in the US. Founder Anirvan Chatterjee looks at the lessons learned. BookFinder.com is an ecommerce search engine for new, used, rare, and out of print books. We just celebrated our tenth anniversary online, running a site that started off as my UC Berkeley class project, which we turned into a resource Entertainment Weekly called 'more amazing than even Amazon.com.'
The Charlotte Observer (NC), Search engines specialize in finding deals
(Mei 29, 2007)
The specialized price-search engines listed here focus on one thing, and thus give better results if you are looking for a specific item. BookFinder.com: http://www.bookfinder.com/ lists the lowest-priced books not only for new copies but used, as well.
Tomorrow's Trust (Canada), Resources from HSF XXI on Religion and Ecology
(Mei 28, 2007)
Karl Rahner, The Shape Of The Church To Come 1972. The Seabury Press. New York. NY. A must-read 136 pages for anyone who is asked questions about the Catholic Church by young people in school or at home. The book is no longer in print but you can most probably find a used copy of the book through Amazon, E-Bay or BookFinder.com.
L'ordinateur individuel (Frankrijk), Livres au juste prix
(Mei 25, 2007)
Rebaptise JustBooks, le comparateur de prix de livres Bookfinder est désormais disponible en version française. Ce moteur effectue ses recherches parmi plus de 125 millions d'ouvrages neufs et d'occasion, communs ou rares, vendus dans des boutiques en ligne de 50 pays Pour restreindre le nombre de résultats, on peut indiquer certains critères, comme la langue, le prix, etc. JustBooks fait dans la simplicité : pas d'images, juste un descriptif de l'état du livre. Enfin, en passant le pointeur de la souris sur un prix, une fenêtre volante indique le montant des frais de port.
Internet Retailer, AbeBooks sets its sites on more international business development
(Mei 23, 2007)
BookFinder.com, which AbeBooks acquired in 2005, lets buyers search more than 100 million new, used, rare and out-of-print books for sale from thousands of booksellers. International business, especially in Europe, is important to AbeBooks as it looks to diversify beyond its core North American market, Blum says. 'We want to make sure that we are the market leader in Europe,' he says. 'The North American book market is maturing. BookFinder.com is a strong comparison shopping engine that will help us specialize even more and build a strong vertical market approach in Europe.'
micro PRATIQUE (Frankrijk), La version français du plus grand moteur de recherche de livres, BookFinder.com, débarque sous le nom de JustBooks.
(Mei 19, 2007)
Les bibliophiles, mais aussi les simples lecteurs, le savent bien le Web a révolutionné la recherche de livres. Ce qui pouvait prendre des mois à fouiller dans les arrière-boutiques des libraires ou dans les bacs des bouquinistes se résout désormais parfois en quèlques clics (le plaisir de l'attente en moins, l'efficacité en plus), par exemple sur Abebooks qui fédère un réseau de plusieurs milliers de libraires dans le monde entier. Un nouvel outil arrive sur le Web : JustBooks.fr, version française de BookFinder.com, le plus grand moteur de recherche de livres aux Etats-Unis. JustBooks est un méta-moteur qui effectue des recherches dans les bases des plus importants vendeurs en ligne (Abebooks donc, Amazon, Fnac.net, Alapage, PnceMinister, Chapitre.com) soit, selon le site, "plus de 125 millions d'ouvrages neufs, d'occasion et anciens proposés par des vendeurs de 50 pays". Il est dommage qu'eBay ne soit pas (encore ?) adresse par JustBooks. L'interface, identique à celle de BookFinder, est très simple : un champ de saisie pour l'auteur, un autre pour le titre de l'ouvrage et quèlques critères facultatifs (neuf ou occasion, édition originale, etc.) La consultation de l'index prend quèlques dizaines desecondes avant que les résultats ne soient affiches sur deux colonnes : neuf et occasion. Les frais de port sont inclus dans les prix affichés, un point d'autant plus important que les libraires recensés sont situés dans le monde entier.
The Channel News (TomGreen.com), Where Is Who's Who In The Zoo?
(Mei 18, 2007)
Who's Who In The Zoo is a great book filled with hundreds of animals in it, some of them now extinct. Now the book itself is on the endangered species list as every copy available on the internet is slowly finding it's way to the top of Tom's desk...On that note, here's a couple of places you can find it. Abebooks has a nice database with a couple of copies listed. BookFinder.com has the same. You can also do a search on Alibris and can find one or two pop up. Remember to double check that you've found right one! They can usually be found for $20 to $50 US dollars on these sites. Try to stay away from Ebay, some have been going for over $100 recently.
Valeurs actuelles (Frankrijk), Livres: comparez les prix
(Mei 12, 2007)
BookFinder.com, le plus important moteur de recherche de livres installé en Californie, à Berkeley, s'étend en Europe avec l'ouverture de la plate-forme française JustBooks.fr. Celle-ci rassemble les catalogues des plus grandes librairies en ligne, telles Amazon, Fnac, Alapage, AbeBooks, PriceMinister, Chapitre.com, Livre-rare-book. Plus de 125 millions d'ouvrages, neufs, d'occasion ou anciens, sont proposés au public par des vendeurs de cinquante pays. Les atouts sur lesquels mise JustBooks.fr (en ligne depuis le 25 avril) sont : une recherche affinée par éditions (originales, signées, etc.); les frais de port indus dans les prix indiqués ; l'affichage des résultats en deux colonnes, les livres neufs à gauche, les livres d'occasion à droite.
Micro Hebdo (Frankrijk), Goncourt au meilleur prix
(Mei 10, 2007)
Vous souhaitez acheter un livre? Le site Justbooks.fr, encore en version bêta, trouve les sites Web où l'ouvrage est en vente, neuf ou d'occasion. Aux critères de recherche basiques que sont le titre et l'auteur, on peut ajouter la langue d'écriture, le numéro ISBN, le type de reliure, les éditions originales ou signées, etc. Les résultats sont classés par prix, frais de port compris.
Livres Hebdo (Frankrijk), Un comparatuer du prix des livres sur internet
(Mei 8, 2007)
JustBooks un moteur de recherche et de comparaison de pnx de livres créé aux Etats-Unis en 1997 annonce la mise en ligne de la version française de son site (justbooks.fr). Le comparateur racheté en 2005 par la société canadienne AbeBooks, intègre le prix du livre et les frais de port. Ce comparateur offre peu d'intérêt en France pour les livres neufs, en raison de la réglementation qui encadre strictement les rabais En revanche, il est pertinent pour la bibliophilie et le marché de l'occasion en développement.
The Morning Call (Emmaus, PA), An untarnished Roy Rogers ranch set could rustle up $900
(Mei 8, 2007)
My two favorite sites to check book prices are Abebooks and BookFinder.com. When using these sites, use their advanced search feature. As with all Internet searches, if you do not ask the right questions, you do not get the right answers.I found values for the juvenile edition of your title in very good condition with asking prices ranging from $165 to $185 on the two sites.
Fine Books & Collections, The Searchers
(Mei 2007)
For the last ten years, millions of people have used BookFinder.com to buy books. Enter a title or author, hit the search button, and in a few seconds, the site returns a list of matches from Alibris, Abebooks, Biblio, Tomfolio, and a host of other websites. BookFinder.com even calculates the total price, including shipping...BookFinder.com launched on January 30, 1997, under the cryptic name MXBF, which may have reflected its origins as a college project. Nineteen-year-old Anirvan Chatterjee, a computer science student at the University of California, Berkeley, wrote the software. His friend Charlie Hsu, built the computer it ran on.
The Modesto Bee (CA), 2 Cents Worth
(April 11, 2007)
I admit, the wretched machine is turned on 15 hours per day and I actually use it about three hours per day. Favorite sites are BookFinder.com, Expedia and Google.
The Arizona Daily Star (Tucson), Cow pitcher isn't worth a lot of moola
(April 8, 2007)
FYI: Research and find book values at www.abebooks.com, www.biblio.com or www.bookfinder.com. If it's an antiquarian book, find a local seller at www.abaa.org.
Lausitzer Rundschau (Duitsland), Mit Buchsuchmaschine 11,50 Euro sparen
(April 7, 2007)
Bücher sind ein teueres Hobby - zumindest wenn sie neu gekauft werden. Wer preisgünstige gebrauchte Lektüre sucht, findet bei der Büchersuchmaschine www.justbooks.de eine Auswahl von mehr as 125 Millionen Büchern. Die Suche dauert nur einige Sekunden und bringt beispielsweise bei der Eingabe von "Ein weites Feld" von Günther Grass zahlreiche Resultate. Neu gibt es das Buch für 18 Euro, gebraucht schon ab 6,50 Euro.
Internet Retailer, Search capacity on BookFinder.com reaches 125 million books
(April 5, 2007)
Shoppers on BookFinder.com now can search an inventory of 125 million books from more than 100,000 book sellers, founder Anirvan Chatterjee says. 'We`ll show you everyone's prices with the cost of shipping built-in, so you know you're seeing the best deals,' Chatterjee says. 'Most book enthusiasts might have time to check the prices at one or two major online booksellers. We'll save you time and money by checking over 100,000.' Chatterjee, 29, founded BookFinder.com 10 years ago out of his dorm room as class project at the University of California, Berkeley, starting out with five book-selling partners. BookFinder.com supports searches for new and used books, textbooks in U.S. and international editions, out-of-print books and titles in foreign languages including French, German and Italian.
The Writing Show, Shopping for Books with BookFinder.com
(April 2, 2007)
By now, almost everyone has heard of 'the long tail, the commercial phenomenon that allows little-known products to be found and purchased. Nowhere is the long tail more obvious than in online bookselling, as we'll see when we visit with today's guest. Anirvan Chatterjee developed the core BookFinder.com technology in 1997 as a class project when he was a student at the University of California, Berkeley.
American Reference Books Annual [2007 Edition]
van Shannon Graff Hysell (Maart 30, 2007)
Decorative Arts: Collecting:Still, as well done as it is, Addall.com and BookFinder.com have rendered most price guides superfluous and used book dealers do not respect antique dealer guides for their superficiality.
The Times (London) (Verenigd Koninkrijk), The Click
(Maart 28, 2007)
Though the experience cannot compare with the sensation of making serendipitous finds in secondhand bookshops, the net has made it easier to track down books. Allowing you to input whichever author or title you want, the search engine BookFinder.com compares prices on more than 125 million books and specifies such factors as country and new editions.
Shelf Talker (Publishers Weekly), Bibliobituaries
(Maart 17, 2007)
Can't think of a book to write about? You might find inspiration at The BookFinder.com Report, where the folks from BookFinder.com post an annual list of the most sought-after out of print books in various categories.
The Coeur d'Alene Press (ID), No Kidding?
(Maart 16, 2007)
Gone, but not forgotten Most sought-after out-of-print books in 2006: 1. Sex (Madonna, 1992) 2. Football Scouting Methods (Steve Belichick, 1963) 3. Touch Me Again (Suzanne Somers, 1978) 4. Man in Black: His Own Story in His Own Words (Johnny Cash, 1975) 5. Treasury of Great Recipes (Mary and Vincent Price, 1965).
The Bookseller (Verenigd Koninkrijk), BookFinder.com: Eliminating obscurity
(Maart 2, 2007)
While still in college, then 19-year-old Anirvan Chatterjee came up with the idea for BookFinder.com, the online price comparison service for books that is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. The site searches through more than 125 million books from more than 100,000 booksellers in several countries, and the company is still growing...Bookseller: What are some of your goals now that you've been around for 10 years? What are you looking forward to doing in the future? Chatterjee: 'We're getting really serious about helping users who are not primarily in the United States. We have a German site and a British site and we have a French and Italian site on the way. Over the next couple of years, that's one of the biggest things we're going to be doing, really taking BookFinder.com internationally. And bringing the BookFinder.com experience to more people.'
January Magazine, Out of Print But Not Out of Mind
(Februari 25, 2007)
In this morning's Sunday Book World, the Washington Post printed BookFinder.com's list of the 10 Most Sought After Out-of-Print Books from 2006. The list predictably contains celebrity tomes, including Suzanne Somers' attempt at poetry, but there are surprises and intriguing choices here (helicopter development?). It'll be interesting to see if these volumes make new appearances on eBay in the coming days.
The Washington Post, Top 10 Most Sought After Out-of-Print Books in 2006
(Februari 25, 2007)
1. Sex, by Madonna (1992). The pop icon's first book. 2. Football Scouting Methods, by Steve Belichick (1963). The legendary college football scout's playbook, used by coaches and players. 3. Touch Me Again, by Suzanne Somers (1978). A collection of poetry from the 'Three's Company' co-star. 4. Man in Black: His Own Story in His Own Words, by Johnny Cash (1975). The singer's autobiography -- and the source for the film 'Walk the Line.' 5. Treasury of Great Recipes, by Mary and Vincent Price (1965). Recipes from world-famous restaurants reworked for the amateur kitchen. 6. The Principles of Knitting, by June Hemmons Hiatt (1988). The ultimate knitting resource. 7. The Lion's Paw, by Robb White (1946). A children's adventure story. 8. The Secret of Perfect Living, by James Mangan (1963). An influential work in the personal behavior modification genre. (Republished in Dec. 2006). 9. Once a Runner, by John L. Parker Jr. (1978). A cult classic novel. 10. One Way Up, by John F. Straubel (1964). A chronicle of the history of helicopter development.
NextStudent, Top Web Tools for College Students
(Februari 15, 2007)
I have been in college almost three years now and have been using many different Web tools that saved me time, helped me learn more and, most importantly, did not cost a penny. Here are 10 tools that I recommend for every college student: 1) BookFinder.com: Over a year you can end up spending thousands of dollars on books. I am one of those poor students who struggles for money, so the less I pay for books, the better. BookFinder.com is a neat site/tool that allows you to compare prices on more than 125 million books for sale from thousands of sellers. So there's no need to go to Amazon, Half.com and all the other book sites when BookFinder.com can search them for you.
The Alameda Newspaper Group (The Oakland Tribune, The Alameda Times-Star, The Daily Review, The Vallejo Times-Herald, The Tri-Valley Herald, The Argus, The San Mateo County Times), Blue Rectangle Aims to Entice Book Buyers with Online Video Reviews
(Februari 12, 2007)
Anirvan Chatterjee, a founder of Berkeley-based BookFinder.com, said Blue Rectangle is useful to students who want to sell back their textbooks. 'In a lot of cases, a student buys a textbook from the campus bookstore at UC Berkeley, but cannot necessarily sell it back to the bookstore the next year,' he said. 'But they might be able to sell it to (another campus bookstore) if they had an intermediary like Blue Rectangle.' However, Chatterjee, whose Web site searches for books and compares the prices of different vendors, was ambivalent about the addition of video reviews. 'It's fine for a couple of books, but what percentage of the overall inventory has that feature available?' he asked.
AuctionBytes, BookFinder Search Site Turns Ten, Shares Strategy
(Februari 9, 2007)
BookFinder.com, a "comparison-shopping search engine" for books, issued a press release announcing its 10-year anniversary. The site was launched on January 30, 1997, by Anirvan Chatterjee, then a nineteen-year-old UC Berkeley student, and his high school buddy Charlie Hsu. In that time, the number of books available for sale has grown from 5 million to over 125 million. The press release includes an interview with the founders, and it contains some great insight into how a small company (just four people) got (and continues to be) successful.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Zwitserland), Bücherstapel aus dem Netz / Das Internet ist auch ein Antiquariat - das grösste der Welt.
(Februari 4, 2007)
Neben echten Online-Antiquariaten wie AbeBooks und ZVAB haben sich auch reine Suchmaschinen etabliert, die selbst keinen Handel betreiben, sondern nur auf Anbieter verweisen. Im englischen Sprachraum bekannt ist BookFinder.com, wo über 100 Millionen Einzelbände erfasst sind. Im deutschen Sprachraum läuft due Website unter dem Titel JustBooks.de
Antique Roadshow Insider, Betty Crocker
(Februari 2007)
"Here's a sampling of prices Betty Crocker items have stirred up in recent sales. $309: Betty Crocker's Cookbook, 1969; $237: Betty Crocker's Picture Cook Book, 1950; $95: Betty Crocker's Good & Easy Cookbook, 1971; $58: Betty Crocker Recipe Card Library with Box, 1975; $36: Betty Crocker's Parties for Children, 1964; $35: Betty Crocker's Cooky Book, 1963; $28: Betty Crocker's Dinner For Two, 1958; $25: Betty Crocker's Dinner in a Dish, 1963; $24: Betty Crocker's Outdoor Cook Book, 1961; $18: Betty Crocker's Chiffon Cake Recipe Booklet, 1948...Note: See also such book-locater Web sites as BookFinder.com (http://www.bookfinder.com/) or rare- and used-book sellers as Brattle Book Shop."
Green Valley News and Sun (AZ), Genealogy Today: You Can Never Have Too Many Books
(Januari 27, 2007)
One of my favorite sources is BookFinder.com. A search engine shared by thousands of used book sellers all over the U.S., if BookFinder.com can't find a book it probably isn't available. The used books are rated as to quality, and I find many of the used books I've purchased appear to be brand new. I've ordered from sellers in New York, California and many points in between, even one who turned out to be in Green Valley. Orders are processed quickly and generally received within two weeks.
The Arizona Republic (Phoenix), Obsession with 'Oz' author begins after random buy
(Januari 27, 2007)
Shapiro, 60, is obsessed with a long-dead author of children's books who has taken over his life, and he wants this story to attract other people to his obsession because he has no idea what to do with the fruits of his obsession...He says he now owns two first-edition, first-state books. (Those 'first-state' books were created on the first run of the presses before corrections were made.) A mint- condition first-edition, first-state Wonderful Wizard of Oz book has a $35,000 to $45,000 price tag at AbeBooks and BookFinder.com.
The Daily Advance (Elizabeth City, NC), Museum Lecture Explores World of Antique Book Collecting
(Januari 24, 2007)
Internet is boon to book collectors. The Internet can inform you on just about anything these days. Katzberg says while he used to attend a large number of book shows every year, the Internet has given him the ability to stay at home and trade online...BookFinder.com: They bill themselves as a 'one-stop e-commerce search engine that searches over 100 million books for sale ? new, used, rare, out-of-print and textbooks.' The Web site features a good search engine that allows you to search by author or title and narrow the search to new, rare and out-of-print, first editions or signed. A search for a first edition 'A Christmas Carol,' by Charles Dickens, for instance, came up with several matches, including one copy selling for little more than $7,500.
The Daily Iowan (University of Iowa, Iowa City), Untangling the web of textbook season
(Januari 19, 2007)
With Internet options expanding, many are turning to such websites as eBay's half.com and amazon.com to buy and sell their texts. These websites, along with hundreds of knockoffs, allow people to post their books for sale and search databases of other users' posts for purchases. The website then takes a small percentage of the sale for profit. BookFinder.com, a search service founded in 1997 as a class project by a University of California-Berkeley student, combs 100 million books for sale by more than 100,000 online booksellers in 50 different countries. The results show the best price available, and many UI students are beginning to capitalize on the opportunity.
Education Nation, Best College Textbook Sites: Alternatives to Your College Bookstore
(Januari 18, 2007)
A recent BusinessWeek.com article about Chegg.com, a site that allows students to buy and sell used textbooks and other school-related goods and services, spurred discussion on Digg.com. End result, you can find vastly different prices on multiple textbook sites, it depends on what you're looking for. Send us your tips, site suggestions and experiences with these sites and we'll add to the list...Textbook Crawler/Price Comparison Sites (ranked in order of mentions): AbeBooks, Bigwords, AddAll, TextbookCompare, BookFinder.com.
K-Tipp (Zwitserland), Bestseller und Klassiker zum Schnäppchen-Preis
(Januari 17, 2007)
Um ein Buch zum günstigsten Preis zu finden, muss man nicht alle Online-Kataloge durchgehen. Das erledigen sogenannte Meta-Suchmaschinen wie Eurobuch, Buchpreis24 und Bookfinder. Letztere durchforstet über 50 Portale und hat sich als speziell zweckmässig erwiesen. Und so gehts: Man gibt Titel und/oder Autor ein und erhält eine Übersicht des Angebots. Das billigste Buch (neu und/oder gebraucht) erscheint zuoberst. Die Preise sind in Schweizer Franken umgerechnet, je nach Option mit Versandkosten.
WDR.de (Duitsland), Bücher aufspüren mit JustBooks
(Januari 16, 2007)
JustBooks ist eine Suchmaschine für Bücher, in der die Angebote von mehreren Tausend Buchversendern und Marktplätzen verzeichnet sind. Die JustBooks-Datenbank kennt über 100 Millionen neue und gebrauchte Bücher, darunter unzählige antiquarische und vergriffene Titel. Die Suche lässt sich bequem nach Kriterien wie Preis, Einband oder Sprache eingrenzen. Ein praktischer Service, mit dem sich garantiert jedes erhältliche Buch aufspüren lässt.
Library Journal, Who Cited This?
(Januari 15, 2007)
Google Scholar directly responds to the faculty member who shrilly warns students not to use the Internet when doing research...The next link launches a Web Search beyond the borders of Scholar. When the starting point is a book, clicking Web Search will find the title in online outlets like Amazon.com, at book aggregators like BookFinder.com, in the references associated with an online encyclopedia, or in places like JSTOR where the book has been reviewed.
The Daily News-Miner (Fairbanks, AK), Make 2007 Your Year for Spending Less and Saving More
(Januari 14, 2007)
If you'd like to make 2007 your year for getting rich quick, well I'm afraid I can't help you there. But if you simply want to be smart with your money and discover how to land some good deals, I've got a few suggestions for you. 1. When shopping online, research what stores have the lowest bottom-line price. Sites like pricegrabber.com and nextag.com will list the best prices (that includes shipping) on everything from clothes to computers. They also offer product and vendor reviews. You may also want to check out sites that specialize in finding the best deals on select items, for example: BookFinder.com, musicwormer.com, dvdpricessearch.net and gamespot.com.
The Telegram & Gazette (Worcester, MA), Old Cookbooks in Demand
(Januari 10, 2007)
For 10 years, Hotson haunted secondhand-book stores and contemplated a massive photocopying project...At BookFinder.com, the perennial best-selling cookbook is 'A Treasury of Great Recipes,' first published in 1965 by Vincent and Mary Price (yes, that Vincent Price). It's a padded, imitation leather, gilt-stamped collection of luxurious recipes from the world's past pleasure palaces, most of them long gone -- like chicken in champagne sauce from Le Pavillon in Manhattan, which closed in 1972.
Morning Edition (NPR), 'Football Scouting' Book Finds New Fans
(Januari 5, 2007)
It is the brisk business being done by an old football book. The book comes from 1963. It does not have the sexiest title: 'Football Scouting Methods.' BookFinder.com says it came out of nowhere. The rag is its second most sought after but out-of-print book in 2006. It ranked just behind Madonna's old book, which does have a sexy title: 'Sex'. BookFinder.com's Charlie Hsu chalks up the football book's success to the author's son, Bill Belichick, who's now coach of the hugely successful New England Patriots. 'The book has a very practical scouting method. It's about how to scout for people, how to scout for talent, how to set up your team, how to set up your plays. How to be your own coach. How to be your own Bill Belichick.' The book's author is Steve Belichick. He died in late 2005 before he could see the newfound popularity of his work, but after he'd seen his son win a third Super Bowl
The Beaumont Enterprise, (TX), Out-of-Print Must-Haves
(Januari 2, 2007)
Need something to read? Online book search engine BookFinder.com released a list of the top 10 most sought after out-of-print books from last year. They are: 1) Sex (1992) by Madonna; the pop icon's thoughts on the subject, in words and pictures. 2) Football Scouting Methods (1963) by Steve Belichick. 3) Touch Me Again (1978) by Suzanne Somers; poetry. 4) Man in Black: His Own Story in His Own Words (1975) by Johnny Cash. 5) Treasury of Great Recipes (1965) by Mary and Vincent Price. 6) The Principles of Knitting (1988) by June Hemmons Hiatt. 7) The Lion's Paw (1946) by Rob White; children's adventure story. 8) The Secret of Perfect Living (1963) by James Mangan; self-help. 9) Once a Runner: A Novel (1978) by John L. Parker Jr.; cult classic. 10) One Way Up (1964) by John F. Straubel; the history of helicopter development.
Persberichten per jaar:
2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998
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