9780851519241 / 0851519245

The Secret Key to Heaven: The Vital Importance of Private Prayer (Puritan Paperbacks)


4.37 gemiddelde beoordeling104 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Banner of Truth, 2006



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Boek samenvatting:

The power of religion and godliness lives, thrives, or dies, as closet prayer lives, thrives, or dies. This was the deeply held conviction of Thomas Brooks, the author of this book. As a pastor who knew his people well, he feared that many Christians do not understand the necessity, excellency, and usefulness of private prayer, and that many live too great a neglect of this indispensable duty. Focusing on our Lord's words about closet-prayer in Matthew 6:6, Brooks gives us a masterful treatment of a vitally important aspect of Christian s living. His aim is intensely practical, to preserve and keep up the power of religion and godliness both in men's houses, hearts, and lives.

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