9780810930902 / 0810930900

Saturn: A New View


4.65 gemiddelde beoordeling31 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:"Harry N. Abrams, Inc.", 2006



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Boek samenvatting:

After a journey of seven years and 2.2 billion miles, the spacecraft Cassini, with a probe named Huygens aboard, reached Saturn in July 2004, beginning a four-year tour to observe the remote planet, its rings, and its moons in depth. As a result of the spectacularly succesful Cassini-Huygens mission, photographs of astounding beauty have come streaming back to Earth, together with enough data to keep hundreds of scientists engrossed for decades. Reproduced here, in unprecedented detail and exquisite, high-quality format, are 150 of the best of those images, among them rings from the unlit side never visible from Earth and panoramas of the surface of Titan, Saturns largest moon.

This breathtaking volume, including authoritative essays on the planetary system and the mission, reveals the planet, its ethereally beautiful rings, and its 40+ moons in ways never before seen or recorded.

Astonishing, amazing, and personal.
 Dr. David Livingston

Host, The Space Show

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