9780828319546 / 0828319545

Hitler's Gift: The Story of Theresienstadt


3.70 gemiddelde beoordeling10 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Branden Books, 2001



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Boek samenvatting:

Hitler had several approaches on destroying Jews. The most heinous was the concentration camp usually referred to as Teresin. Here he gathered Jews belonging to the European intelligentsia and indulged them in to composing music, performing in the theater, study science, pray to their God--all the while inviting members of the International Red Cross to come and visit and see how well the Nazi treated Jews, and then spread the word so more Jews would come to this place. These representatives did not see or realize that the camp had a one-way street leading to the trains that took the prisoners to their doom. More Jews were killed throuhg Teresienstadt that in other places.

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