9780198165828 / 019816582X

Schubert and His World: A Biographical Dictionary


3.00 gemiddelde beoordeling1 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Clarendon Press, 1997



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Boek samenvatting:

This lively, fascinating book is the first of its kind on Schubert. It appears at a time when interest in Schubert's life and compositions is greater than ever, and its publication coincides with the celebration of the bicentenary of Schubert's birth in 1797. The book opens with a chronicle of the composer's life, followed by more than 300 biographical entries on Schubert's friends and acquintances, and on the numerous persons with whom he became associated through his music. There are also articles on later "Schubertians" who have greatly enriched our knowledge of his life and works.

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