9780091889487 / 0091889480

Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution : The No-Hunger, Luxurious Weight Loss Plan That Really Works!


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Uitgever:Vermilion Press, 2003



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Boek samenvatting:

Follow the Dr Atkins' Diet and forget counting calories. Watch the fat melt away as a healthier and firmer body emerges. Enjoy more energy as well as freedom from a range of ailments from diabetes to heart disease. Essentially a low carbohydrate plan, the Atkins' Diet boosts your metabolic rate and once your metabolism is changed, your body adjusts to a new way of burning fat. Dieting can work, and with this medically proven regime you can lose weight without reducing - or counting - calories. On the Atkins' Diet you can: -Eat luxuriously and feel completely satisfied -Experience the metabolic boost the Atkins' Diet provides -Use a maintenance diet that will ensure you never become fat again -Enjoy mouth-watering, gourmet recipes. In this new edition the world's number one diet expert has updated his proven program for a new century to include; new controlled carbohydrate recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner; brand new case studies and the very latest scientific research.

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