9780809016419 / 0809016419

Fortunate Son: The Life of Elvis Presley (American Portrait (Hill and Wang))


3.43 gemiddelde beoordeling28 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Hill and Wang, 2007



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Boek samenvatting:

Elvis Presley was celebrity's perfect storm. His sole but substantial contribution was talent, a fact Charles L. Ponce de Leon is careful to demonstrate throughout his wonderfully contextual Fortunate Son. Even as the moments of lucidity necessary to exercise that talent grew rarer and rarer, Elvis proved his musical gifts right up to the end of his life. Beyond that, however, he was fortune's child. Fortunate Son succinctly traces out the larger shifts that repeatedly redefined the cultural landscape during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, using Elvis's life to present a brief history of American popular culture during these tumultuous decades.

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