9781580931540 / 1580931545

The Landmarks of New York: An Illustrated Record of the City's Historic Buildings


3.85 gemiddelde beoordeling13 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:The Monacelli Press, 2005



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Boek samenvatting:

The Landmarks of New York is a definitive resource on the architectural history of the city, documenting and illustrating more than 1,100 buildings that have been accorded landmark status over the past forty years. Organized chronologically, the book presents a panorama of styles and building types -- simple colonial farmhouses, churches, Gilded Age mansions, and the great skyscrapers of the city skyline. Landmarks and Historic Districts are located in all five boroughs, and each has a distinctive character and history, which is recorded here.

The book celebrates the fortieth anniversary of the Landmarks Preservation Commission, which was created in 1965 in response to the destruction of the renowned Pennsylvania Station. An accompanying exhibition of one hundred photographs from the book is traveling to New York, Chicago, Miami, and thirty-five international venues.

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