9780323029988 / 0323029981

Veterinary Herbal Medicine


4.40 gemiddelde beoordeling15 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Mosby, 2006



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Boek samenvatting:

This full-color reference offers practical, evidence-based guidance on using more than 120 medicinal plants, including how to formulate herbal remedies to treat common disease conditions. A body-systems based review explores herbal medicine in context, offering information on toxicology, drug interactions, quality control, and other key topics.
  • More than 120 herbal monographs provide quick access to information on the historical use of the herb in humans and animals, supporting studies, and dosing information.
  • Includes special dosing, pharmacokinetics, and regulatory considerations when using herbs for horses and farm animals.
  • Expanded pharmacology and toxicology chapters provide thorough information on the chemical basis of herbal medicine.
  • Explores the evolutionary relationship between plants and mammals, which is the basis for understanding the unique physiologic effects of herbs.
  • Includes a body systems review of herbal remedies for common disease conditions in both large and small animals.
  • Discusses special considerations for the scientific research of herbs, including complex and individualized interventions that may require special design and nontraditional outcome goals.

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