9780470584927 / 0470584920

Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer


4.67 gemiddelde beoordeling102 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Wiley, 2012



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The book addresses controversies related to the origins of cancer and provides solutions to cancer management and prevention. It expands upon Otto Warburg's well-known theory that all cancer is a disease of energy metabolism.  However, Warburg did not link his theory to the "hallmarks of cancer" and thus his theory was discredited.  This book aims to provide evidence, through case studies, that cancer is primarily a metabolic disease requring metabolic solutions for its management and prevention.  Support for this position is derived from critical assessment of current cancer theories.  Brain cancer case studies are presented as a proof of principle for metabolic solutions to disease management, but similarities are drawn to other types of cancer, including breast and colon, due to the same cellular mutations that they demonstrate.

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