9780521173155 / 0521173159

Introduction to Modern Climate Change


4.10 gemiddelde beoordeling134 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Cambridge University Press, 2011



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Boek samenvatting:

This textbook is tightly focused on the problem of anthropogenic climate change. It is unique among textbooks on climate change in that it combines an introduction of the science with an introduction to the non-science issues such as the economic and policy options. Unlike more purely descriptive textbooks, it contains the quantitative depth that is necessary for an adequate understanding of the science of climate change. The goal of the book is for a student to leave the class ready to engage in the public policy debate on this issue. This is an invaluable textbook for any introductory survey course on the science and policy of climate change, for both non-science majors and introductory science students.

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