9780761822042 / 0761822046

The Name of God Which Is Pronounced As It Is Written I_Eh_Ou_Ah: Its Story


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Uitgever:University Press Of America, 2002



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Boek samenvatting:

God's name is fundamental to all monotheistic religions. Paradoxically, religions prefer to translate God's name as Yahweh "He Is," Adonay "my Lord," Allah "The God," rather than a transcription of the name, which is more usual. However, the key to unlock this mystery was provided by the famous Maïmonides, 800 years ago, when he wrote that the Name "is read as it is written." Name of God Which is Pronounced as it is Written I_Eh_ou_Ah is Gérard Gertoux's examination of the paradox of the correct pronunciation. To learn more about this book, please visit the author's website at

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