9780878464340 / 0878464344

Beyond the Screen: Chinese Furniture of the 16th and 17th Centuries (an exhibition catalogue)


3.25 gemiddelde beoordeling4 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Museum of Fine Arts, 1996



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Boek samenvatting:

During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Chinese furniture reached a pinnacle of exceptional design and meticulous workmanship. Beyond the Screen leads the reader on a journey that encompasses not only the evolution of these exquisite furnishings, but also includes the many literary, architectural and visual contexts in which they were created. Alongside 64 superb color photographs of the furniture itself, numerous Ming woodblock prints and literary excerpts show how furniture was used in daily life--as everything from a lover's hiding place to a projectile thrown during arguments. A vital response to the West's increasing interest in traditional Chinese furniture, this beautifully produced volume is both an illustration of the aesthetic possibilities of furniture design and a fascinating look at China during the early modern period.

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