9781484087619 / 1484087615

Tithing Giving and Prosperity


4.13 gemiddelde beoordeling15 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:CreateSpace Independent Pu..., 2013



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Boek samenvatting:

In this 57-page article, Dr. Roy B. Blizzard explains the ancient origins of tithing, giving, and prosperity from the historical and biblical perspective. He brings to light the laws and customs of tithing throughout history - through to present day.

Dr. Blizzard clears up many misperceptions: that the acquisition of material possessions equals prosperity, that one must give in order to receive, that tithing is a requirement of modern day Christianity.
His study reveals that tithing was strictly a Jewish practice; its basic purpose was as an act of charity (tzedakah) to support the poor and those in need; it was not practiced outside the land of Israel; after the destruction of the Temple, the practice of tithing ceased in Judaism, although acts of charity continued as a replacement for the sacrifices of the Temple, and more.

Citing multiple scholarly works in Hebrew, Greek, and English, Dr. Blizzard builds the case for attaining biblical prosperity - free of coercion.

Prosperity means to be safe, to be secure, to be at ease or rest; it means to have peace - to have shalom - to be whole, to be complete - a wholeness and completeness through God who lives and dwells within. Once one understands what real prosperity is, it becomes of much more value than the mere accumulation of material possessions. Real prosperity is Life! Life with God and in God. (Article: 12,600 words).

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