9781570671845 / 1570671842

Dr. McDougall's Digestive Tune-Up


4.18 gemiddelde beoordeling176 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Book Pub Co, 2006



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Boek samenvatting:

Dr. John McDougall breaks through cultural taboos with a candid, humorous look at how the digestive tract functions. Join Dr. McDougall in his office as he motivates two of his middle-aged patients to make wiser lifestyle choices in order to regain their digestive health. Learn how a low-fat, cholesterol-free, plant-based diet can prevent and cure constipation, hemorrhoids, IBS, and other chronic intestinal disorders. Anyone with digestive problems will be able to benefit from this noninvasive approach for healing intestinal conditions. You'll find information on how to understand the workings of your digestive system, identify the root causes of digestive discomfort, find out why friendly bacteria are necessary for overall health, and avoid surgical procedures and expensive medications. This knowledge will enable you to take control of the healing process. Dr. John McDougall has been studying, writing and speaking out about the effects of nutrition on disease for over 30 years. He offers his changing approach to optimal health through his books, dvds, seminars, and live-in treatment programs. Color illustrations.

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