9781853672781 / 1853672785

Spy Book


3.83 gemiddelde beoordeling46 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Greenhill Books, 1997



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Boek samenvatting:

The most comprehensive single volume ever published, covering intelligence, espionage, & cryptography. Covers from the earliest use of the word spy to the revelations of the Aldrich Ames case & the post-Cold War reorg. of Russian intelligence. More than 2,000 entries on people, agencies, operations, tradecraft, & tools uncover the secrets of this underground world. Reveals the most interesting cases & those that have had the greatest influence on world events. 27 Master Entries include major spy rings, major countries outlining nat. intelligence serv. & activities, & all categories of tradecraft. Over 60 illustrations, many published for the first time.

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