9780739486160 / 0739486160

The Facts on File Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend (2 Volumes) (Facts on File Library of Religion and Mythology)


4.15 gemiddelde beoordeling48 ratings door GoodReads

Uitgever:Facts on File, 2004



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Boek samenvatting:

Thoroughly revised and expanded, The Facts on File Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, Second Edition presents an incomparable survey of myths, fables and legends from around the world and throughout the ages. This comprehensive work explores the folkways and beliefs of ancient, modern and Western cultures and their connections to the world's major scriptural traditions - Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim. Entries include: · Summaries of major myths, folktales and fables · Portraits of gods, heroes, saints, demons, and other mythic figures · Meanings and origins of botanical, zoological, and other images and motifs · The influence of myths and legends on art, music and literature Completely revised with new entries and illustrations, this edition also features an updated introduction and bibliography and a comprehensive system of cross-references. An index of myths and legends arranged by culture and ethnic group mak

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